Meet Kirstyn Hobler: Expert in Office Design and Enthusiast for Life

Kirstyn has been a wonderful resource for our client’s office furnishing needs. Now, more than ever, the office atmosphere is a recruitment and retention tool so it’s an important consideration for business owners how they design their space.
Name: Kirstyn Hobler
Company, Position, and brief job description: Business Development Representative for Common Sense Office Furniture. We are an Orlando-based commercial furniture dealer servicing local and national office, hospitality, education, and healthcare furniture. Upon this year’s 20th anniversary, Common Sense was awarded the ‘2018 Company of the Year’ by the Florida Small Business Development Center which we are very proud of!
Family: Daughter to two loving parents and proud aunt to two puppy nieces!
What do you do in your spare time? Provide a fun fact about yourself. I love to scuba dive. In addition to bringing out my adventurous side, I find it therapeutic. Oceanography and sea life have always been extremely intriguing to me.
What 3 bits of wisdom can you share with others?
- The best type of knowledge is experience
- Being authentic professionally is just as important as being authentic personally.
- Your gut is smarter than your mind—always go with intuition!
If Hollywood made a movie of your life; who would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Jennifer Gardener, although she is much funnier than I am!
What is your favorite place to eat?
Anywhere serving sushi especially Seito.
What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about people and the community. Whether it’s listening to a friend or helping create a thriving and productive workspace for a client, there is always something to be learned from other people and how they live their lives.
If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the Title should be?
The Tricks of All Trades- Unmastered Edition
What is the biggest challenge you have faced and how did you overcome it?
I had the opportunity to teach abroad in Thailand when I graduated college. Surprisingly, I didn’t have culture shock going there, but I had it severely when I came back to the States. Reestablishing myself in the workplace and society was hard when I felt so torn about being back. The more I immersed myself, the easier things got and not long after, I was fully accustomed back to the bountiful lives we get here.
What is your favorite app, social media outlet, or newspaper/magazine?
I like LinkedIn because opinions and posts tend to be more thought-driven. Feeds also are filled with high-quality content rather than an overload of videos. The Bungalower is a favorite of mine as well for community news.