Monday Market Update – April 29th, 2024

From the Desk of Amy Calandrino at Beyond Commercial

Inside Beyond Commercial:

Exciting news! Our website has been refreshed to make it simpler for you to start your commercial real estate ventures with us. To request an assessment, just head over to Beyond Commercial (, click “REQUEST AN ASSESSMENT,” and submit your information directly to me, Amy Calandrino. This new feature ensures a smoother, more direct line of communication from your first inquiry to your final decision.

National Spotlight: Celebrating Small Business Week

This week, we join the nation in celebrating National Small Business Week, a time to acknowledge the resilience and contributions of small businesses across the United States. The U.S. Small Business Administration is hosting events including a Virtual Summit, emphasizing the role of small businesses in driving economic growth. This week is pivotal for networking, learning, and exploring growth opportunities

Local News: Florida’s Insurance Relief: 

In local news, Florida might soon see significant relief regarding property insurance. This development could provide substantial benefits to both residential and commercial property owners, helping reduce costs and facilitate more predictable financial planning in the real estate market

Stay tuned for further updates on these developments and how they might influence your commercial real estate decisions. For more immediate insights and personal consultations, feel free to contact us.