Monday Market Update – Quinta Modal Transportation

On this week’s Monday Market Update, we move to part 3 of the Quintamodal update and take a ride along the Orlando roads and its growing infrastructure.
Florida is well positioned for ongoing growth and prosperity in the twenty-first century as it uses state and federal funds to rehabilitate essential infrastructure and improve resiliency in the face of environmental threats.
Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Freedom First Budget for the fiscal year 2022-23 proposes a record $10.4 billion in financing to renew and enhance the state’s transportation infrastructure to keep the state on the cutting edge.
Orlando has had its eyes on the I-4 Ultimate project for a while and is the most expensive highway construction project in Florida’s history. The I-4 Express opened recently on Feb. 26.
Capital investment in public transport has been a goal of Florida for some time now, we are finally seeing the seeds of investment blossom, and with this a stronger and ever-growing economy for Florida and the Orlando area.
As well as this we have seen investments upwards of $2.8 billion for highway building, $1 billion for road resurfacing, and $515.9 million for planned repairs of 89 bridges, and the replacement of 18 bridges are among the projects proposed. In their respective budgets for the coming fiscal year, the House and Senate have set aside cash for transportation. To meet the region’s continued growth, CFX is planning extensions to current roadways as well as the construction of a new toll road. The $118 million welcome mat that is fast taking shape near to Orlando International Airport is one of these projects.
Seven new bridges, the transformation of existing loop ramps, new signage, and lighting are all part of the redesign and extension of the SR 528/SR 436 intersection. In a contract that has yet to be awarded, it will have a dramatic landscape design.
The renovation is projected to reduce traffic congestion for the 50,000 cars that travel between the airport and the area, which includes various tourist sites and the conference center, daily. The project will add an extra lane to SR 528 in both directions.
This will of course ease up much of the congestion whether whoever driving is commuting every day from work or is coming from another state to experience the multitude of options Orlando has to explore.
The exciting thing about this is that it will of course ease up much of the congestion whether whoever driving is commuting every day from work or is coming from another state to come experience the multitude of options Orlando has to explore!
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