Site Selection / Feasibility Analysis / Location Services
Often when we ask how we can help, the principal we are working with doesn’t know where to start as they are figuring out “what’s next?” in their business or with their investments. They may need an in-depth analysis to guide their decision making whether they are looking to develop a mixed-use project or determine if which “hot” developing area makes most sense for an additional business location. Additionally, our team works with national franchise companies as well as individual franchisees. Finding the right location requires experience, knowledge and resources.

What is site selection a/k/a feasibility analysis a/k/a location services?
The process involves methodically gathering the following basics:
- Traffic flow
- Market indicators – population growth, employment rates, consumer spending
- Zoning – current and future uses
- Absorption and deliveries – current numbers and future estimates
- Depending on the product type – office, retail, restaurant, hotel or warehouse – the considerations can differ widely. Often performing a thorough location assessment, you can identify where NOT to invest and the sites that meet your minimum criteria.